MurphySchmidt Solicitors

Our goal - 300 kms for the month of July!

MurphySchmidt is participating in the K’s for R U OK challenge with the hope of raising money for R U OK to keep building the motivation, confidence and skills of those who can have conversations and help someone who might be in need.


R U OK is a charity that we support every year, however this year, we would like to spend the month of July raising awareness about R U OK and empowering you to meaningfully connect with the people around you.


R U OK is all about starting a conversation with anyone who may be struggling, and using these four steps to have a conversation that change a life

  1. Ask R U OK?

  2. Listen

  3. Encourage action

  4. Check in

If you’re needing some motivation this winter to incorporate a bit more movement and stay warm – here it is.


Dust off your running shoes or your bike because our team will collectively be trying to reach a goal of 300 kms for the month of July – whether walked, ran or cycled – all whilst fundraising for R U OK. 

We're Clocking K’s for R U OK?

This July, the team at MurphySchmidt will be joining K’s for R U OK? to stay connected, develop healthy habits and help to create a world where we're connected and protected from suicide.

Each week, our team members will  be consistent in clocking kms as we walk, run, or ride to help start more life-changing conversations. 

By donating to our page you are helping R U OK? provide free, essential resources to schools, workplaces, families, and communities across Australia. Giving them the tools and confidence to spot the signs and to start a conversation that could change the life of someone who's struggling.

By inspiring people to take the time to ask “Are you OK?” and listen, we can help people struggling with life to feel connected long before they even think about suicide.

We thank you for your support! 

Thank you to our Sponsors



Great cause. 😘


Joanne Rennick

Go team!


Gerry Murphy


Sue Davidson

Way to go Kirst. Peddle hard!


Nicola Green

Well done Jacob!


Renee Blackwell


Wendy O'donnell


Leonie Leitch


Mark Winsley


Cara Tucker


Tegan Raines

Go Leah 🤍 🏃‍♀️


Alex Jorgensen


Kellie Towerton

On ya bike Kirst! Well done, worthy cause.




Ally Green

Go honey! Proud of you


David Ball

Run like the wind Leah. ❤️


Leah Ball


Nicky Ball




Emma Spinks

Great work Kirsten! 👏🏼