Smash your
fundraising goal

get some
hot rewards

We truly appreciate all of your efforts

Every step you take, every conversation you start and every dollar that you raise is helping to spread the R U OK? message and we're incredibly grateful for everything you do.

Get your supporter pack

For those fundraisers who go above and beyond and raise $400 we’re offering our special K's for R U OK? Supporter Pack which includes an R U OK? Running Belt, Beanie and Wrist Band.

Start sharing your page today to earn yours. 
Be rewarded for your fundraising with an R U OK? Supporter Pack

How to smash your fundraising goals!

Personalise your page

Make sure you add a profile pic and if you have a personal story of why you’re taking part, and you’re comfortable sharing, please do.

Set the bar

Show your dedication to the challenge and the cause by making the first donation to your page.

Start small

Before you go hard on social media, ask a few close friends (ones you know will support you) to make a donation. Once you’ve got a few runs on the board, cast the net wider and even more people will be keen to support you.

Get social

Social media is a great way to reach a wide audience - to reach even more people tag @ruokday and use #ksforruok . Email allows you to reach a lot of friends and teammates, and don’t forget the power of good old conversation.

It’s not a secret

You're doing something awesome! So why not let everyone know what you’re doing? Be sure to share updates – and they don’t all have to be asking for donations. Share photos or videos of you clocking up your K's or share some of the R U OK? resources. Don’t forget to tag @ruokday and use #ksforruok.

Don’t be afraid to ask

Most people will be delighted to support you and R U OK? It may take a few tries so be sure you get your reps in – ask a few times and in different ways – email / phone / in person / social media.

Show your gratitude

Make sure to thank every donor for their support, this could be a phone call, email or post on social media. A post showing your progress and tagging your latest donors to thank them is a great way to increase interest and show your gratitude at the same time .