It’s not about how fast or far you go.

It’s about connection, consistency and conversations.

You choose the distance for the month then break it down into weekly goals.
You choose where, with who, and how you complete your K’s (run, walk, wheel or ride).
Just set your goal and get ready to roll.
Every K you clock helps us create a more connected world.
Join us this July for #ksforruok.

Your K's your way

Choose a distance that’s achievable – remember there are 31 days in July. You can do it alone, but K's is really about connection so we suggest you to reach out and share the challenge.
Whether you pair up with your bestie or form a dream team at work, having someone else to motivate and support you makes all the difference.

Keep it consistent

You can connect to Strava or Fitbit, or log in your K’s manually to show your progress. We want to help you form a consistent, healthy habit, so we’ll support you every step of the way. Our resources page has top tips to keep you on track, and we'll email you inspiration and encouragement. You can also join our Facebook group to connect with your fellow participants!

Build connections

K’s for R U OK? is an opportunity for you to connect with others and build good habits. Ask for support and share your progress with us (#ksforruok) and the world! You’re doing something epic. Be proud and share it out LOUD. Every step you take and every conversation you have brings us closer to a world where we’re connected and protected from suicide.

Mel's K's

Mel took part in the very first K's for R U OK? in 2020 and has been a fantastic particpant every year since. 

K's for R U OK? fundraiser Mel

What drew you to K’s for R U OK?

I actually believe that the universe was listening to me when K’s for R U OK? appeared in my news feed. Being in a really dark place mentally, I understood that I needed to move my body, to balance my mind, but I didn’t have the motivation or desire to.

During that time in my life, I felt I needed to belong to a community that would understand the challenges I was facing on a day-by-day basis. K’s for R U OK? was that community.

How many times have you taken part in K’s for R U OK?

This year will be my fifth year!! I have loved every single one of them!!!

What have been your K’s highlights over the years?

Stepping outside of my comfort zone and sharing my own personal struggles.
Sharing the K’s for R U OK? experience, every year, with my family.
Raising much needed awareness and prevention around suicide.
Being supported by some wonderful humans that have donated their time and $$$$.
Achieving 600km in 24 days, mountain biking!
Starting conversations and making connections.

What does R U OK? mean to you?

R U OK? has a special place in my heart. Conversations enabled me to move forward, one step at a time. R U OK? Gives me a sense of purpose and belonging. It has allowed me to move out of my comfort zone to advocate for suicide awareness and prevention. R U OK? Has given me the strength to speak out and help remove the shame and stigma that is attached to it. This illness does not discriminate, but I want anyone struggling out there to know……you are not alone.

Why do you believe asking R U OK? can make a difference?

It starts conversations.
Conversations are powerful. Connections are important. Sharing a non- judgmental space gives the belief that someone cares, someone is listening. This is what makes the difference.

What were the hardest parts for you?

Having the courage to tell my story was the hardest.
Outside of the R U OK? community, people would look at me with pity, or a lack of understanding which was hard too.

Do you have any tips for the particpants this year?

Get involved!!! It doesn’t matter if you run, walk or swim.
Set a goal and do your best to make it.
If you get injured stop and recover.
Join the conversation in the Facebook Group
By participating you are raising awareness and starting conversations. That’s what’s important!!!

What are your fundraising tips for your fellow participants?

Share your page and ask your friends to share your page,
Post your achievements, challenges, good days, bad days.
Be real.

You've watched the challenge eveolve over 5 years - could you describe it in 5 words?
  • Community
  • Friendships
  • Unity
  • Inspiration
  • Motivation
K's for R U OK? fundraiser Mel lifting her mountain bike above her head