Emma McPherson

My Activity Tracking


My target 60 kms

I’m Clocking K’s for R U OK?

This July, I’m joining K’s for R U OK? to stay connected, develop healthy habits and help to create a world where we're connected and protected from suicide.

Each week I'll be consistent in my clocking as I walk (run, wheel or ride) to help start more life-changing conversations. 

By donating to my page you are helping R U OK? provide free, essential resources to schools, workplaces, families, and communities across Australia. Giving them the tools and confidence to spot the signs and to start a conversation that could change the life of someone who's struggling. And you'll be putting a big smile on my face.

Thank you so much.

By inspiring people to take the time to ask “Are you OK?” and listen, we can help people struggling with life to feel connected long before they even think about suicide.

My Achievements

My Updates

19th July

Friday 19th Jul
What a great day!
I did not feel like going for a walk. I was so tired and feeling meh. I went anyway and geez did I feel good.
The beautiful sunshine, and watching Megs enjoy it and sniff till her hearts content

I got home from work, and my Amazon packages were waiting 😁😁 A Taylor Swift vinyl, and some books. And one surprise, a thank you supporters pack from Bruce! for raising $400!

I've officially now raised $500 and well on my way to achieving the 60kms.

Thanks so much for donating.

I hope U R OK 

Emm x

18th July

Thursday 18th Jul
A week off!
Time to smash those KMs.
The rainy weather, family stuff, catching up with friends and my husband came home from being away, I slackened off on my walking.
No excuses now!
I hope you're all doing okay x

7th July

Sunday 7th Jul
The sun is finally back!
Beautiful, early morning walk 
So grateful for my generous family and friends for their donations.
I am halfway to my fundraising goal 😁


Thursday 4th Jul
Always helped others
You loved Taylor Swift! Hardcore Stace!
I could list more things, but this is just a small glimpse into the wonderful person that Stace was.
She meant so much to so many people.

4th July

Thursday 4th Jul
Just a small walk today.
It rained on Megs and I, and with Megs having another ear infection, getting them wet isn't good.
She, however, loved it.

Hope you're all doing okay x

3rd July

Wednesday 3rd Jul
4 KMs today
Beautiful walk 
Found a new cafe to try

I kept singing the lyrics, in my head, to Taylor Swift's song I can do it with a broken heart 
- They said baby gotta fake it till you make so, and I did, lights camera bitch smile, even when you want to to.
It got me reflecting and thinking and wondering how many of us have felt like this and have plastered a smile on our faces and played the part. 
I am so grateful for those when asked me if I was okay, and checked it, when I was going through my health issues and after losing Stacey.

Life really is short, and noone knows what tomorrow will bring. Tell your loved ones you love them, don't think things unsaid. Appreciate every moment. The last day I saw Stacey, I didn't give her a hug goodbye like I usually would. And I was rushing to get home from work that I didn't send her the text I did every time we hung out ,telling her how great it was so see her. Don't leave things unsaid. You never know 

Emma x

1st of July

Monday 1st Jul
Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month!

1st day and Megs and I did 3km. 
It was beautiful, relaxing. The people we can across were lovely.

I did a lot of reflecting and thinking.
I miss Stacey so much, and I don't think that will ever go away. She is unique, and wonderful, and so important to so many people.

I couldn't save Stacey, but I will try to best to help as many people as I can.

Please reach out if you see someone struggling, please ask someone if they are okay. 

I'm being positive and using this month and my chance to start getting fit and being more positive. 

Take care 

Emm x


Saturday 22nd Jun
Hi again!

This is my second year doing ksforruok.

Last year I did 30kms and smashed my fundraising goal! So this year, I'm aiming higher.
I pledge to do 60kms and I would love to raise $500.

Please share and donate. No pressure to donate.

Thanks heaps x

Thank you to my Sponsors


Annette O’brien

Great work Em and such a worthy cause. Love Mob, Annette, Dana, Halle


Emma Mcpherson


Jessica Hockenhull

Good luck Emma, you can do it!


Murray And Belinda Colless


Rachel Gafa

Well done Em, you are a bloody legend 🙌🏻



Well done Emma 💛


The Pest Specialist Gold Coast

Well done Emm! xx


Allison Flynn

Get step step stepin' Emma and Megs 🐾🤸🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️ Such a good cause Em. Good on you 👊🏻


Anne Brummage

In Memory of your wonderful Friend 🩷


Kerri Uridge

Thankyou for being you 💕


Ju And Tim

Well done Em. X


Bob & Jen Mcpherson

Well done Em, very proud of you x


Abbey Holyman

Good work Emma!


Ju And Tim


Charlotte Sambell

Go Em! You got this, proud of you! Xx Chards




Lynda Ruiz