Jess Manser

My Activity Tracking


My target 120 kms

I’m Clocking K’s for R U OK?

This July, I’m joining K’s for R U OK? to stay connected, develop healthy habits and help to create a world where we're connected and protected from suicide. Almost everyone you know, including myself has been affected by mental health at one point of another. So dust off those wallets and watch me try my best to get in better shape while raising funds for this amazing organisation! 

Each week I'll be consistent in my clocking as I walk (run, wheel or ride) to help start more life-changing conversations. 

By donating to my page you are helping R U OK? provide free, essential resources to schools, workplaces, families, and communities across Australia. Giving them the tools and confidence to spot the signs and to start a conversation that could change the life of someone who's struggling. And you'll be putting a big smile on my face.

Thank you so much.

By inspiring people to take the time to ask “Are you OK?” and listen, we can help people struggling with life to feel connected long before they even think about suicide.

My Achievements

My Updates

July 29th

Monday 29th Jul
Up to 107km

July 24th

Thursday 25th Jul

July 23rd

Wednesday 24th Jul


Monday 22nd Jul


Monday 22nd Jul
Today I reached 75km, which is huge!!! If you asked me a couple of months ago if I could walk 75km in 3 weeks, I would have told you you’re dreaming! My skin is doing amazing, I’m feeling fitter, healthier and more positive. Plus it’s Monday! So I’m super excited to smash out the last 45km and get these K’s done! Don’t forget to check in on your mates and make sure they are doing OK! 


Tuesday 16th Jul
Today was a pretty big day. 

Today marks 12 weeks since I felt like I couldn’t go on in the world. 
12 weeks since I had my first ever ambulance ride, 12 weeks after I really hurt some of my most favourite people in the world, 12 weeks since I survived. 

However today on my walk I experienced the following things: 
I saw the biggest rainbow I have ever seen stretch out over the almond groves and farms. 
I was swooped by a gang of Magpies in WINTER. 
I learnt you should not pick Prickly Pears on the side of the expressway with your bare hands. 

As mundane as these things may seem, they made me grateful for the life I have and grateful to still be here to experience it. 

I don’t like Mondays

Monday 8th Jul
It was cold, it was wet, I didn’t want to, but I did. The end.

Rain delay on day 7

Sunday 7th Jul
Well today didn’t quite go to plan, had a busy day with family lunches and having to do some food shopping. Then by the time we got home it had started to rain and was absolutely freezing outside! So I conceded defeat and headed for the treadmill, got 3km done before my right ankle decided it had had enough. I’m still super happy getting to 26km in my very first week and I’m still feeling great! Other than a little sore 😅 


Saturday 6th Jul
Woke up this morning with a runny nose and sore throat, one of the biggest downsides to working with children! So I spent most of the morning in bed with a honey lemon tea and some codral. Woke up about 3pm and felt tinned better, so decided to do a lap of our suburb to see how that felt, Chris came with and we attempted to take Middy but she didn’t even make it down the street, so he took her home and eventually caught up to me. Was pretty chilly and I opted for some thicker socks this time, which definitely helped my feet! Hopefully don’t end up too sore as I’m gonna attempted another big walk tomorrow! 

Day 5

Friday 5th Jul
Well it’s 5 days in and my feet and legs are definitely feeling it. I generally do between 6000-7000 steps already a day at work, however all of my K’s for R U OK are additional and I’m really not used to it. The past couple of days I’ve lacked a lot of motivation, however seeing how many donations I’ve already received has been my driving force! I’m also incredibly lucky that husband is so supportive and has been encouraging me to do even just a little bit every day. I’m looking forward to trying another big walk over the weekend, and then probably get the massage gun out for my calves 😂 


Tuesday 2nd Jul
Well… I decided after two years of no exercise that today I’d attempt 7km. The first 5km was lovely, I watched the sunset and admired the views from the expressway. However the last 2km were in the dark, with throbbing ankles, on rough terrain with no footpath and the constant thought of whether one of the cars flying past was going to accidentally swerve and hit me 😅 Anyways - if anyone has tips on how to prevent or calm blisters, hit me up asap.

Numero Uno

Monday 1st Jul
Came home from work. Did not feel like it. AT ALL. So I slid my chef shoes off and slid on my crocs and jumped on the treadmill. I didn’t realise how dusty it was until I jumped on so I had to run to grab a micro fiber to dust it off with (I didn’t count the run to the linen cupboard in my steps don’t worry). Did a whole kilometre before realising we had to step things up and put the crocs into sports mode, once that was done the next 2 kilometres were easy peasy. Felt pretty good by the end of it and if it wasn’t for dinner with the paps, I would have done a little more. 

I’m aiming to try and do 5km a day, maybe more on some days so that if I’m having a real downer day, I can have a rest. I just hope you all know how much I hate exercise, so committing to this is the closer I’ll probably get to torture outside the Middle Ages. 

Check in on a mate today xx 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Elise Ottens

You’re a stunning human Jess 😘



Onya Jesska, proud of you girl xox




Jess Manser


Matt Martin


Sam Jay

Proud of you 🩷 Always in your corner


Bec Sims

You’ll smash this goal. Well done for doing something like this x


Wymie Yeung



Good luck with the walking xx


Jo Martin

Well done Jess.xx


Liz Agius

Well done Jess


Tay Baxter

I’ve looked up to you over a decade, now I have to crane my neck even higher you admirable chook. Good luck. You've got this! X


Jo Martin

A job well done Jess. Mental Health is crap. Most of us all deal with it one way or another. Am very proud of you. Congrats on reaching your


Robert Martin

Congratulations on achieving your goal distance love Dsd


James Billingsley

You’re doing an amazing job Jess. You’ve got this!



Well done Jess, solid effort. Be proud of yourself.


Tania Strauss


Sarah Powell

Well done you, keep it up! Cheering from the sidelines .. 🧡



Well done Jess. Amazing achievement x


Maryanne Tonkin

Well done, keep up the amazinc job you are doing! Super proud, it wouldnt be easy!


Tay Griffiths

You should be very proud of yourself Jess! 👏🏽


Donna And Daren Chambers

Good on you Jess, we are with you all the way.


Selby Hobson

So proud of you 🥰


Emma Wilson

You never truly know how deep in battle someone is. Your such a beautiful human and an inspiration to all. You've got this 💜


Alisha Lee

Proud of you Jess!


Kimberley Robinson


The Broersen’s

Yo go Glen Coco!


Gail Innocent

Gp Jess!!


Ellen Mccabe


Marika Turci


Lee-ann Sloan

So proud of you jess



You're one of the kindest, funniest, strongest people I know, you're gonna smash this!





You're inspiring. Beautiful inside and out. 🫶🏽