Justin Adkins

My Activity Tracking


My target 115 kms

I’m Clocking K’s for R U OK?

This July, I’m joining K’s for R U OK? to stay connected, develop healthy habits and help to create a world where we're connected and protected from suicide.

Each week I'll be consistent in my clocking as I walk (run, wheel or ride) to help start more life-changing conversations. 

By donating to my page you are helping R U OK? provide free, essential resources to schools, workplaces, families, and communities across Australia. Giving them the tools and confidence to spot the signs and to start a conversation that could change the life of someone who's struggling. And you'll be putting a big smile on my face.

Thank you so much.

By inspiring people to take the time to ask “Are you OK?” and listen, we can help people struggling with life to feel connected long before they even think about suicide.

My Achievements

My Updates

What a time

Friday 26th Jul
I wish I could have done more over the past few weeks but all I managed was about 6kms over a few days and that is just bits and pieces  I am getting better and better as the days go by but I am going to try to get a few more KMs over the weekend as my breathing is getting much better as well I would have had so many more KMs  but no use in dwelling over the past their is always next year.

Not down with the sickness

Wednesday 17th Jul
Well, this almost last week has been awful to say the least!!!!
I got sick with an upper chest infeaction mixed with a flu it sounded like covid to me but, I tested and it came up negative so I am in the clear it really put a dampener on my k's as well as my work days .
I haven't been out since last Thursday I miss having my walk it gets me out amongst nature and it gives me pleasure to know that I am walking for a cause that is near and dear to me whatever this was will not hold me back I will be back out their in no time clocking those k's because the joker will try to keep the bat down but the bat always rises to the top!!!

my mental health

Wednesday 3rd Jul
It isn't a secret to anyone that I work with that I suffer from mental health issues, my whole life I have dealt with how I feel  some days I am up and some days I am down I guess that is with anyone though but other days I feel like I don't deserve to be here, I also feel like I have no one to turn to but, that is my mind playing tricks on me I have a wonderful wife I have great work mates and I have all their support.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Lyn Macabangon


Kenny Nguyen

Goodluck batman, all the best!


Maria Scoles


David Smith


Pauline Ralph


Todd Nowland


Ben Forrest




Rochelle Smiler

All the very best Batman! Great cause to support, I’m all for it my buddy :-) Much love from Storm xx



Nice work Batman!!



Good luck Batman




Ryan Wright

I've made a donation mate.