
My Activity Tracking


My target 120 kms

I’m Clocking K’s for R U OK?

This July, I’m joining K’s for R U OK? to stay connected, develop healthy habits and help to create a world where we're connected and protected from suicide.

Each week I'll be consistent in my clocking as I walk, (run, roll or ride) to help start more life-changing conversations. 

By donating to my page you are helping R U OK? provide free, essential resources to schools, workplaces, families, and communities across Australia. Giving them the tools and confidence to spot the signs and to start a conversation that could change the life of someone who's struggling. And you'll be putting a big smile on my face.

Thank you so much.

By inspiring people to take the time to ask “Are you OK?” and listen, we can help people struggling with life to feel connected long before they even think about suicide.

My Achievements

My Updates

Connection … why it matters!

Thursday 6th Jul
Yesterday morning  I woke up not wanting to see or talk to anyone. My anxiety was churning and I just wanted to crawl back under the covers.  But I knew from experience that isolating myself would only make me feel worse. So I dared myself to reach out to a friend and meet up for a smoothie. 

Though it was difficult to motivate myself to get out the door, reconnecting with my friend turned out to be just what I needed. We were able to cheer each other up, listen without judgement, and support one another. I left feeling lighter and more at ease.  Yesterday was a reminder that it’s in those moments when we least want to socialise that we need human connection the most. Talking about what’s really going on in our heads with people who care is one of the most practical ways to overcome anxiety and depression. While it may seem easier to avoid others, reaching out is often the best self-care.

I also recognised  that in addition to connecting with friends, re-engaging with a professional for guidance and support is my next step. Raising awareness about mental health issues and being open in discussing them is so important in helping others feel less alone. 

Though the weather was gloomy and cold and I got rained on, connecting with others brightened my day. Reach out to someone in your life when you’re feeling low—not only will you help yourself, but you may be the sunshine they need too. Our mental wellbeing depends on the relationships we nurture.  #ksforruok #connectionmatters #smoothiesoverbevvies #reset

Behind the mask.

Monday 3rd Jul
I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about anxiety and depression.   Because behind the smiles and laughs anxiety is often an insidious beast that is invisible to others. It is so easy to hide the internal struggles and put on a mask for the outside world. I am so grateful for my amazing family and friends who have been my rocks through it all. I know at times I can be difficult to be around when my anxiety gets the better of me. Instead of taking care of myself, I impose impossible standards and expectations on myself.

The past couple of years have been extraordinarily tough for everyone in so many ways. Today I acknowledge that I need to reset and make my mental health a priority again. I need to talk to myself with the same compassion and kindness I offer to others. To help me get back on track, I am raising funds again for RUOK to continue raising awareness about mental health issues. I am also joining a friend in doing Dry July because together we are stronger and better. 

Mental health issues are often stigmatised but it's important to remember that no one is alone in their struggles. There are always people who want to help. We just have to be brave enough to reach out when things feel unbearable. Here's to taking that first step in asking for help and becoming our best selves. Our mental health deserves nothing less. We deserve nothing less. There is always hope, even in our darkest of days. Together, we've got this!  🙌🏾💛#ksforruok

Thank you to my Sponsors


Arthur & Romie Samuel

Love Mum & Dad


Priscilla Paikos

Good on you Sharlsy xxx


Ceri Miller


Sarah Brown

Woo! 👊



Absolutely smashed it, amazing.


Fuzz & Nicole


Sharlene May

Getting the ball rolling 💪🏾